Improving outcomes for any training system can greatly reduce life cycle cost. Evaluation of student and instructor engagement should be part of every training system, from lesson objectives and courseware updates through to system wide resource utilisation and engagement metrics.
The Coherics team specialises in the analysis of complex training systems and pipelines to define and measure:
- Training efficiency
- Training efficacy and standards
- Training throughout
- Programming and scheduling
Our team can deliver reports on complex training system investigation questions.
We are experts at complex data collection activities that produce statistical analysis and digital dashboard products.
These products allow clients to clearly understand and visualise their training
system or pipeline in new ways, leading to more accurate decision making and targeted resource investment.
Coherics is working with the Australian university sector to further develop artificially intelligent training systems. This technology allows Coherics, in partnership with our clients, to generate individually tailored training that increases student engagement and learning, streamlines instructional burden and resource drain, and improves system wide evaluation.